
Motivation Monday: Collect Memories

Motivation Monday Collect Moments

Here at Iconemesis, most of us love nothing more than a Saturday afternoon spent shopping, or a quick stop at our local Boots during our lunch break. We can’t be the only ones, right? We’re all guilty of getting wrapped up in a bit of materialism, whether it’s lusting after the latest Michael Kors watch or designer handbag. We’ve definitely been there, done that – after all, we’re all human. But more often than not we tend to remember the big events (birthdays, holidays, anniversaries) not by what gifts we received but by who was there, what we did and how we felt. It’s the little details in each event that make it what it is – the designer watch is just a bonus to that, not vice versa. This quote pretty much sums it all up. It’s also pretty apt for travelling too, so next time we go abroad, we’ll be taking lots of Instagram-worthy photos but leaving the cheap fridge magnet and tea towel behind.

Motivation Monday: The Important Things in Life

Motivation Monday

We’re all guilty of focusing on the trivial, and paying less attention to what really matters. It can be from anything as constantly wondering what other people think of you, to getting wrapped up in gossip. How much should you really care about what a stranger thinks of you? After all, who you are isn’t defined by other people’s opinions of you, nor are their opinions the truth. Take a step back, and put it all in perspective. How much does it affect your life? Concentrate on the things that truly matter – real friendships, loving relationships, staying healthy and maintaining happiness. Only then will you realise what it is that actually matters to you and your life – the rest will seem so insignificant in comparison.

Don’t forget to check out our latest giveaway, which offers you the chance to win an iPhone case every day until 19 September. Good luck!